CASTE: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion advances peer-reviewed scholarship across disciplines into caste systems in South Asia and beyond and considers the marginalization and inter-generational oppression of religious, racial and cultural minorities throughout the world. 

J-CASTE assesses social policies meant to counter exclusion in multiple spheres and intolerance in multi-faith democracies. Our authors come from varying disciplines including philosophy and ethics, theology and culture, sociology and anthropology, economics, law, health, literature and art among others. We welcome critical reviews of our papers, as well as book and film reviews and commentaries.

J-CASTE aims to:

  • Advance peer-reviewed scholarship across disciplines

  • Provide opportunity for young scholars to publish along with established senior researchers

  • Present themed issues with guest editors

  • Offer curated materials and discussion, including video interviews with J-CASTE authors

J-CASTE is an Open Access Journal which does not charge publication fees. J-Caste has no financial barriers to access and read peer-reviewed scholarship and provides for free subscriptions to individuals and libraries throughout the world. J-Caste permits authors to deposit versions of their work in a repository of their choice without embargo. This deposit policy applies to submitted, accepted and published versions of a paper.