The Brandeis University Law Journal, founded in 2008 by Judah Marans ’11, is the only undergraduate-edited legal publication in the country that is unaffiliated with a law school. We solicit, edit, and publish the work of Brandeis students. Our articles cover a diverse array of topics with a shared grounding in law and law-related material.
The Brandeis University Law Journal is run by and focused on undergraduates. We produce original, rigorously researched papers on a variety of legal topics.
Current Issue
Vol. 11 (2024): Brandeis University Law Journal
The Brandeis University Law Journal aims to provide Brandeis University with the opportunity to contribute to discussions of law and law-related topics with the publication of undergraduate scholarship. Each issue of the journal seeks to contribute to the furtherance of Brandeis University’s motto of “truth even unto its innermost parts” through publishing rigorously researched articles and engaging in respectful, thoughtful, and insightful debates.
These six rigorously-edited articles show insightful research and prompt, vital discussions about contemporary issues. The issue is written, edited, and collected by Brandeis University undergraduates and unassociated with any law school. This journal is both a publication and a constant work in progress as we are grounded in an undergraduate academic environment and constantly trying to learn, grow and improve. The articles cover war in the Middle East, states of emergency, Coverture, free speech, contracts, civil rights, and psychedelics.
Published: 2024-05-22