Dear all,


The Brandeis Judaic Studies Journal is soliciting submissions for its 5th edition, to be published at the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year. The Journal is written and edited by Brandeis undergraduates of all backgrounds and disciplines. Diverse perspectives and experiences are not only tolerated but encouraged and expected. We hope you will join our Journal and write for us! 


For this year's journal, there will be no specific theme that submissions must adhere to. Those interested in submitting are encouraged to write on any Jewish-related topic of their choosing. As Justice Brandeis said: “It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears”. In light of current global contexts regarding the Jewish world, let this quote encourage all of us to spread ideas that heal and repair the world around us through this journal.


We will be accepting articles on any topic until a deadline of March 15, 2024. If you have written or are writing a paper for a NEJS, IMES, or any other class with a Jewish focus and are interested in getting it published, this is a perfect opportunity to do so. You can submit your articles here

Note: you do not need to submit a proposal before submitting your article.


As always, feel free to reach out to me or any of our board members (Doron Polonetsky, Dov Ratner, Stephanie Kallish, and Allan Feldman) with any questions, concerns, or feedback. We would also be happy to help you develop your ideas before the March 15th deadline!


All the best,

Doron Polonetsky and Dov Ratner


Brandeis Judaic Studies Journal